Introduction Blog
Hello, I am truly excited to share with you all the ideas that I am compelled to bring forth, all the things that excite me because it makes my life just a lil easier, saves me just a lil time and satisfies the lil Martha Stewart inside of me…lol
Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Desi I was born third of six and raised in the city of Chicago in the 80’s. Okay that’s enough about me…lol Let us get to where my desire to find creative solutions to organize the many things in our life comes from.
I believe most of us have a desire or inkling (some bigger than others) to have structure, order, and organization in our life. And as I got older and matured into having my own things and many of those things my desire grew. There was a Martha Stewart like section in my conscious/subconscious that formed. So, I organized and merchandised everything I could and the things I could not bothered me dearly. And the biggest bother came from the Jewelry and Accessories category. Things like; necklaces/pendants, bracelets/bangles/cuffs, rings, earrings, watches, and brooches. Other things like; belts/neck ties and headbands/headscarves. And from that bother the universe gave me witty inventions and creative ideas to alleviate those bothers.